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Flatiron School

Online, NYC, Denver
Best Bootcamp

 Ranked 2022 Best Bootcamp

About Flatiron School

Location: Online, NYC, Denver

Founded in 2012 and started the bootcamp revolution, Flatiron School offers immersive on-campus and online programs in software engineering, data science, cybersecurity analytics, cybersecurity engineering, and product design that trains passionate people... Read More

To apply, submit your application and share a bit about yourself and what's driving you to start a career. During the application process, you will speak with an Admissions representative in a non-technical interview to allow for the opportunity to get to know each other better in a friendly conversation. You will also need to complete a 15-minute critical thinking and problem-solving assessment afterwards.

You will receive your acceptance decision from Admissions within 4 business days of completing the assessment.

Students benefit from:
- Proven Career-Services Framework
- Robust Industry-Aligned Curriculum
- Career Building Portfolio
- Dedicated 1:1 Career-Coaching
- The Support of Passionate Instructors, Coaches and Community

Flatiron School was one of the first bootcamps in the industry and a pioneer in providing 3rd party examined job placement reports.

Flatiron School wants to empower the next generation of female tech talent. That’s why we created the Women Take Tech Initiative scholarship. To date, Flatiron School has awarded over $1 million in scholarships to make a life-changing tech education more accessible to aspiring female programmers across their disciplines. The Women Take Tech Scholarship is designed for new enrollees in Flatiron School programs globally. Flatiron School has allocated $200,000 dollars from our scholarship budget to equip women recipients with the education and skills necessary to obtain a job in the information technology workforce. Flatiron School will cover $1,000 tor each scholarship recipient in the form of a tuition credit, depending on program and eligibility requirements.


Software Engineering

Cost: $17,900
Duration: 15 weeks
Locations: NYC, Denver
In-person Only
Course Description:

Being a software engineer requires more than knowing how to code or build a web app. Over 15 challenging weeks on Flatiron School’s campus, students learn to think, and build, like software engineers — from developing coding proficiency to gaining an understanding of how products are designed and managed. In each three-week curriculum module, students develop key skills through interactive labs, lectures, and close collaboration, showcasing progress through Portfolio Projects. While the bulk of the material covered encompasses the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems, we carefully designed our curriculum to prepare students to launch software engineering careers, independent of any specific language or technology.

The course covers Ruby, HTML & CSS, Object Orientation, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), SQL, Rack, Sinatra, Rails, JavaScript, React, Node.js and Express.js, Angular, and more. By the completion of the program, students have done much more than simply build technical skills: they have maintained technical blogs to show they can credibly talk tech; they have become a part of the tech community; they have amassed an impressive portfolio of unique, functional web applications to show employers as they enter the job-search phase with the support of our Career Services team.

No previous coding experience is required, but Flatiron School encourages all applicants to start learning through the free coding introductory lessons.. All students apply through a standardized process, including a written application, admissions interview, and technical review.

Flatiron School Reviews

Average Ratings (All Programs)

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4.61/5 (264 reviews)

Graduated: 2015




Job Support

"The Job Report Reflects the Flatiron of 2014 not 2015. That said, excellent education"

The education is likely better than ever. The curriculum is well-engineered, there are many TAs available, and there is tremendous community support.

That said, I invested in Flatiron School, rather than Full Stack or DBC or Metis, because of the jobs... Read More

I'm satisfied with my 15k investment, generally. But perhaps I would have chosen a less expensive bootcamp had I known that the average earnings were just that-- average. I suspect this is due to an increasing saturation of bootcamp grads and/or the Placements team's increasing role in making connections rather than Avi.

Ian Miller
Graduated: 2014




Job Support

"Flatiron School has been one of the best investments I have ever made"

Hello! I am a graduate and I am also currently employed as an Instructor at the Flatiron School as well, so I am one of several that has experienced Flatiron School from both a student perspective and an instructor perspective.

Why Flatiron School?
I applied... Read More

Yes, the objective of Flatiron School is to teach its students how to code, and how to code well. But that's not what makes Flatiron School succeed. It's the ability of the admissions team and its teachers to provide a rich, diverse community in which students push each other to succeed through collaboration and support. As a result of this, students learn programming by communicating with each other while working on projects, and ultimately creating a rich ecosystem of knowledge that iteratively builds upon itself, week after week throughout the semester.

New York Tech Community
Flatiron School has benefitted a lot by simply being part of the New York tech community, and has given back to the community as well. That's the primary ethos of Flatiron School. Its defining quality is community, and it hosts meetups and events every week, such as NYC on Rails, iOS Devs Meetup, Manhattan.js, and Flatiron Presents (student presentations). The diversity of its graduates that go forth into the New York tech community is something that sets Flatiron School apart from its peers; at least 40% of accepted students are female.

In Closing...
Flatiron School has been one of the best investments I have ever made. I say this not from a financial perspective, but rather from a career and motivational perspective. In my previous jobs prior to attending Flatiron School, my imagination and motivational drive was starting to wane, and I started to see things in a greyish hue. As the weeks progressed during my time at Flatiron School, my burgeoning skill-set started to show me what was possible. Coding is not a means to an end in itself, but rather it's the gateway that makes everything else attainable. Being able to build a software tool or product or whatever you may call it allows you come extremely close to having a profound effect on the things you care about. Making life more colorful and vibrant again. After all, isn't that the point of education? It is meant to bridge the gap between your dreams and reality. I didn't find that in high school or college. I found that at Flatiron. And as a teacher, that's what I strive to impart to our students every day.

Graduated: 2014




Job Support

"I could probably write a dissertation on how much I loved my time at Flatiron School"

I could probably write a dissertation on how much I loved my time at Flatiron School, but I will try to keep this short-ish.

The practical stuff: They take you from 0 (and I really mean no coding experience whatsoever) to equipped to land your first Junior... Read More

To back that up - I am a music school grad with no experience writing code outside of basic HTML. The program was incredibly challenging and I struggled through most of it, but came out the other side confident in my ability to get a job and continue the learning process. I took a 6 month (paid) apprenticeship that has since turned into a full-time job. I've almost doubled my salary in less than a year. To put that in different terms, my return on investment was a little more than three times the tuition for Flatiron School in seven months.

The other stuff: I've always been a good student and I've always hated school. Sitting in Avi's class was the first time that I found myself enjoying lectures. He has an ability to read his students -- he seemed to know when to push forward and when to back up a bit so that we weren't lost despite the complexity of the topics. We spent more than half the program learning pure Ruby and overarching programming concepts that help me a great deal in my day-to-day. The TAs are passionate about teaching and form real relationships with the students. Everyone there is invested in the growth and future of each student.

Flatiron is not just a programming bootcamp, it's a community, and an immensely supportive one at that. My time there was life-changing.

Samuel Owens




Job Support

A wonderful experience. They teach how to code and so much more. Wonderful staff and an amazing group of students.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What financing options are offered by Flatiron School?

Flatiron School offers many financing options, such as Scholarships, Loan Financing through third party loan providers, Deferred Payment, and Upfront Payments.

What courses are offered at Flatiron School?

There are many courses you can take at Flatiron School. These include Cybersecurity Engineering, Data Science, Software Engineering, and Product Design.

What types of programs are offered at Flatiron School?

Flatiron School has Full-Time and Part-Time programs for students that can be taken online or in-person (Full-Time only).

In these programs, students can learn from and take advantage of pair-programming exercises, labs & mini projects, individual career coaching, and more.

What are the job outcomes for Flatiron School?

The average starting salary for 2021 graduates after graduation was $74,625, for job-seeking graduates who accepted full-time salaried roles within the reporting period and disclosed their compensation. The average hourly pay for graduates who accepted full-time contract, internship, apprenticeship, and freelance roles and disclosed their compensation was $32/hr. The average hourly pay for graduates who accepted part-time roles and disclosed their compensation was $24/hr. (See full Jobs Report here.)

What is the application process at Flatiron School like?

Prospective students will need to submit an online application in order to apply to Flatiron School. Once you complete your application, you’ll receive an invite to complete Flatiron School’s admissions assessment. Please follow the instructions to complete the assessment, once this is completed you’ll be able to schedule your interview with their admissions team so they can assist you with the next steps to get into their program.

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